Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kids are great

Ben learned how to ride his tricycle this week, I mean really ride it and burn around and around. It's great because now they can go ride bikes together. Abi has started her "why" phase. "Mom, why do we have arms, Mom, why do we have hair, Mom, why do we have feet, Mom, why do we poop". It has been non-stop for two days. At least some of the questions are easy to answer, but mostly I just say whatever I think of. The "potty" talk has gotten out of control at our house with both of them. Every other minute one of them has to say poop or pee and then they both start giggling. It's not great at home, but really not so great in public. Time to crack down. I've noticed more lately that Abi is my observer child and Ben is the doer. At the park Abi likes to sit and watch other kids while Ben is running around. Abi is often the feisty one and Ben is the sensitive one. But they both can be unbelievably sweet and cranky, in the same 10 seconds! Overall, they have gotten easier to take of over the past year and potty training time for Ben is just around the corner.   

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