Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Big changes

Shit just got real -that's what Brad and I said when we saw this in our yard the end of last week.

Sorry to anyone that we didn't get a chance to tell in person but we are selling our house because we are moving to Spokane! We are excited for more sun, less rain, more snow, less traffic, more country, cheaper houses, more Cougar football, and a slower, less exhausting pace of life. It's kind of crazy for us to leave everything we know (family, friends, jobs, school) but we've wanted to move to Spokane for awhile and we feel like it was meant to be. Brad randomly applied for a job and got it! We have been in need of something different. The daily grind of commuting in traffic, balancing jobs and kids, single parenting while the other is at work, working crazy late hours, exhaustion, ect.... has been draining. It is time for us to simplify our life, spend more time together, and less time in traffic shuffling kids. We are in need of something better and easier. Not that this move will solve all our problems (because it won't) but I do believe it will improve our quality of life and we want our kids to have more of a small town type of childhood. Don't worry we will be back to visit often, or better yet come visit us :)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Can't wait to see what comes next...


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