Monday, April 15, 2013

Abi's tooth

Abi got a tooth pulled on Friday by a new dentist we found in Everett. They are great. They are great with her, they made room for us in their busy schedule, and they are the kindest and most caring people. That said it was still awful. Brad shed some tears, I almost threw up and almost fainted. Seeing something so painful and intrusive happen to your child and knowing it's 100% your fault as a parent is the most devastating thing I've ever experienced. This takes feeling like a failure and mom guilt to another level. I'm pretty sure there is no worse feeling in the world. All I could do was cry with her, and all I wanted was my mom to tell me it was OK. No one else could tell me I'm not a failure and believe them. We have to go back to get a few cavities filled between her teeth we found out the same day since they did x-rays while she was sedated. So this was just round one. I'm hoping next time will be better and less intrusive but she'll have to be completely knocked out (on Friday she was just partially sedated). My sweet girl's baby tooth smile will never be the same which is heart breaking. Although the tooth that was pulled was a baby tooth in the back when she smiles and laughs you see all her teeth and now you see a big metal plate (spacer) where the tooth was. She might officially have a grill. I know there are worse things and we have super healthy kids, but this has been one of the most difficult parent speed bumps we have encountered. Lesson learned the hard way: Yes, you must hold down (sit on top of) your 3 or 4 year old child to floss them no matter what.

Make all the mistakes on the first one and rest will be alright :)   

The tooth fairy came and left Abi a one dollar bill covered in fairy dust and a My Little Pony, and since we wrote a letter asking the fairy to leave her tooth she left the tooth. Brad also got Abi some pretty purple tulips for her that she has in a vase in her room. Abi is back to school tomorrow and we hope she feels back to normal. I don't think Brad and I will feel better until she is completely 100% recovered, bruised, scratched up face, swollen tongue and all.

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