Friday, June 1, 2012

Hair cut and chunky monkeys

This is Ben pre-hair cut.

 Since I got some mean hair cutting skills-ha, I parted his hair on the sides and put the center up in a hawk, shaved the sides with hair trimmers and then cut the hawk along the top. A very technical cut, but my thoughts were that if I trimmed the sides it would make his head look less round and more oblong and it actually turned out ok.

Cute little guy. One of my favorite things about him these days is the silly way he runs.

Gabby's new summer outfit from the consignment store total cost=$6. Sweet!

 I struggle off and on with worrying about my chunky monkeys. I got a packet of stuff from preschool on the last day that had my child's height and weight and I about had a heart attack. It said Abi weighed 49 pounds. I was like no way and threw her on the scale and she weighed 43 pounds. That is a big difference. Both kids, even when they were getting nothing but breast milk, have always been in the 90+ percentile for height and weight. At least there growth curve is consistent. Every time I take them to the doctor they say I need to watch what they eat. Funny thing, we never eat fast food, 1% milk, no dessert, these kids do not like french frys or pizza, they are meat and potato kids. How do I get them to eat less without giving them a complex or an eating disorder. It's a struggle. When I look at them I think they are big kids but not overweight. I calculated Abi's BMI the other day and it says she is overweight which got me thinking how I'm not looking forward to her doctor apt when she turns 4 and they say the same thing. Brad says not to worry and I know my mom would say the same but I do. Am I the mom with the fat kids? Do people think I don't feed them right? I think it's sad that I am hoping I can get Abi to lose a pound or two before her next doctor apt. We'll see how long I can get them to only eat veggies at snack time, and strict portion sizes, so far so good.   

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