Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothering Day

My family I miss so much today.

(fam dam from left to right) Sister, Mom, Aunt, Grandma, and me
Dang, we are some hot blondies!
I'm glad last year I really did appreciate the time I spent with my mom on Mothers Day, see last years post (below). Today, I am wearing the ring my mom gave me last year. Some how it was one of the only things not stolen when our house was broken into last December and all my jewelery was taken.

By Glennon (from Momastery)
Mother’s day is an easy day for me. I have a mother who is as close to an angel as they come.  She is by my side, literally or figuratively, every second of every day. She believes that there is NOTHING I can’t do. I have three healthy kids, so far. As far as mothering goes, today is uncomplicated for me.
But I have learned that for most folks, today is NOT uncomplicated. Because there are Monkees who have mommies that are gone. Or were never there. Or were there, but hurt them. There are Monkees whose older children are lost to depression or addiction. Whose young children are sick and not getting better. Whose children have died. Who have spent decades trying but haven’t had their children yet. There are Monkee adoptive mamas who lost their adoptions this year. There are birth mamas who gave birth and then offered another woman the ultimate gift and went home empty- armed.  There are Monkees who this very year, gave birth to babies who were already gone.
Mother’s day is brutal for many people, and I’m not going to be able to change that here. I’m just hoping that acknowledging it will help a bit.
I do want to try to explain my evolving definition of the word Mother. I am starting to understand that the word works better for me as a verb than a noun. Mothering is a choice we make, like loving is a choice.  We do not need to have given birth or to have signed adoption papers to Mother. To Mother, to me, means to nurture. To heal, to help grow, to give. And so anyone and everyone who is involved in the healing of the world is a Mother.  Anyone who tends to a child, or friend, or stranger, or animal or garden is a Mother. Anyone who tends to Life is a Mother. Today is a celebration of all the healers and hopers and lovers and givers and tend-ers.  In other words- today is for every single one of you Monkees.

I love the post above. I have so much sadness but there are many that suffer worse than me. I always knew how much my mom loved me and she took good care of me. Today I want to celebrate the time we had with our mom and my beautiful sister who almost lost her life becoming a mommy (and just had open heart surgery 2 months ago). Thank god we have each other. And thank you to everyone who has helped mother me especially now that my mommy is gone. To my girls up in heaven- Mommy, Grammy, and Kathy love you so much, see you again someday. Mom-thanks for being such a great mother and strong woman and teaching me everything I need to know to be a good mom myself. My goal for the next year is to keep the memories alive and although my kids may not remember much about my mom I can teach them and help us all remember. 

Mothers Day poem by Tina Fey (too funny)

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