Thursday, January 26, 2012

The great debate

I read the best article the other day in Redbook magazine called "My third-kid obsession". It struck a cord with me because the mom in the article always said from the minute baby number two was born that she was done having kids, well 99% sure (so much like me). But she found herself second guessing and obsessing over the decision and wondering am I really done having babies? It's funny because the mom in the article talks about how life with two kids is already such a delicate balance that could fall through at any second and send everyone spiraling out of control and that surely another baby would completely disrupt any normalcy in life. She also talked about how any sane person with common sense would not want more than two children, financially it would take a toll and what if the baby wasn't healthy and she's pushing her luck by having one more, ect.. But then again the decision to have babies comes from the heart it is not always a logical decision. I'm personally not saying anything either way, but it was a thinker. I still agonize on a daily basis wondering if I should get rid of the rest of my baby stuff. I hate having extra stuff and full to the brim closets but it's just a decision I'm not ready to make.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way!! We were done with 2, gave everything away and were happy with our family. Then....we got a shock. Needless to say, you always find room for one more, and you add more love to an already fun family. ;)


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