Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's official

It's official, I am that parent that has the children with the dirty faces, messy hair, that refuse to wear anything but mismatched pajamas to the mall, and run around screaming out of control. I am one of those parents I used to look at before I had kids and said I will never let my kids act like that. After a Costco incident the other day where my sweet little girl ran around screaming running in circles, growling like a dog, hissing like a cat, and swinging at me when I tried to grab her, I give up. I am one of the parents that make couples think twice about having kids. At least it's only on occasion my children act out in public or have dirty faces, but I do thinks it's funny how being a parent makes me not give a crap.  

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I love it when I pass another "milestone" of doing something I used to swear I would never do as a parent.


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