Abigail is finally starting to really like preschool, yay! She is happy to go and says "mom, you can go now" when I drop her off and has a smile when I pick her up. I'm so glad she is comfortable there. I'm also extremely happy to report that all her business is done on the potty and not even a pull-up at night. She is making me a very happy mom! Now we just need to get back into swim lessons.
Benjamin is toddling around and bumping his head on everything. He has a permanent bruise in the middle of his forehead, as soon as it heals he bumps it again (at least his hair usually covers it). I guess it's a small price to pay for having a large brain. He is also teething up a storm which is keeping us up at night and giving him diarrhea, which is giving him a really sore bum. Recap: bruised head, ouchy teeth, and a sore bum-POOR GUY!
The chickens have stopped laying, boo, sad day :( We think it's a combination of cold weather and less sun so Brad put a light in their coop-lets hope it works.
Sammy cat-same as always: hides under the bed, begs for attention, harasses the dog.
Maggie dog-well, she's a good dog but lets just say she kind of has a thing for Ben. We've caught her a few times (over several months) dry humping the air next to Ben as he is playing. This deeply disturbs me and makes me laugh at the same time. Silly dog, first of all you are a girl and second-KNOCK IT OFF!
Brad is training for a half marathon in December and is up to running ~9 miles! I'm so thankful to have such a great husband that is so good with kids and takes good care of them when I'm away helping my mom. We have a lot of friends that are good dad's so there's some tough competition but I still think I have the best dad and husband around.
I have an appointment to have an echo cardiogram on my heart this week. I'm a little nervous just because I haven't had my heart checked out in about 7 or 8 years and I've had two kids since then. I'm sure it's probably fine, my sister on the other hand will need heart surgery soon. They said she can't have another baby until she gets her aneurysm fixed. This is the only time in my life where I think my lack of activity (being lazy) may be a good thing. My mom's and sister's heart are worse for ware due to marathons and extreme working out (and the bad value we were born with). I'll get my results next week, then I'll probably need to think about getting the kid's hearts checked too. Although I'm not planning on having any more babies it would be kind of sad to be told I can't because of my heart. It is a genetic mystery why this heart value problem has been passed down in my family (my great grandma, mom, sister, me, my niece), usually it is just a birth defect that happens every so often and has no genetic link.
My mom will probably get sent home from the hospital this weekend, which is both good and bad. She will be more comfortable (and have way better food) but she'll need someone with all the time to help her with everything. I'm hoping my dad is up for the task and wishing I lived closer :( Her progress is very slow but she is making progress. She is being really strong so I tell myself I can be strong too. No more teary eyes, just love, strength, and recovery.