Tuesday, November 22, 2011


At the risk of sounding cheesy WSU is more than a school to me, it is who I am. It is where I met my husband, my best friends, drank way too much beer, stayed up way too late, and had way too much fun. If I hadn't gone to school there I might not be married to the man I love, I might not have two beautiful children, and I might not have a job I love. WSU is not the place for everyone but the ones that stay understand how special it is. I found this next bit buried in my inbox from 2005 (a forward from a fellow coug). I saved it and here's why-

To all you Cougs out there...........

What does it mean to be a WSU Cougar?

It means you're part of a shared experience, a common bond gained by living in a unique town in a unique place.

It means you know what it's like to drive five hours across the state to get to college, or to drive five hours to visit your friends and family on the west side.

It means you know to watch for the dark blue car in Colfax and keep your speed under 30 mph.

It means you know the taste of the fry sauce at Cougar Country.

It means you know the difference between Dismores and Safeway and The Cougar Cafe and The Coug.

It means you know every turn in the road from Pullman to Moscow, day or night, and in rain, snow or sunshine.

It means you know at least one other person who you spent so much time with that you can call them any time, any day, and have a listening ear.

It means that anywhere you go in the world, if you wear a WSU hat, you're ready to hear "Go Cougs" from a total stranger.

It means that people from big metropolitan schools don't understand what we know - what it's like to center your life on a small town for a few years, and to see those as a shared, wonderful experience.

It means you root for the little guy. It means you understand Rodney Dangerfield when he says "I don't get no respect."

It means you were surprised this fall when WSU was referred to on ESPN.

It means you know what it's like to win another Apple Cup - and to be ready to come back next year and go after them again.

It means you had the unaccustomed sensation of expecting to actually WIN games this year.

It means you know that victory can be snatched from the jaws of defeat and vice versa - and that both will happen in the same football season.

It means that whether the Cougs win or lose, you know it will NOT last...and that you'll be back for more.

It means you feel comfortable walking past Bryan hall, and you occasionally smile when you look up at the red clock face.

It means you know how valuable a 30-gallon trash bag is when you sit in Martin Stadium on a windy day.

It means you know the layout of the CUB, and where The Coug is.

It means you know "The Bookie" is a store, not a person.

It means that when winter rolls around it's ok to a laugh when people fall walking up the icy hills to class as long as you know your turn is coming soon.

It means that when you're in a car driving through the rolling Palouse hills in the spring and see spring wheat rippling in the wind, you find it soothing and beautiful.

It means you know which cliff is "The Cliff" and how to get to the dunes.

It means you know which Pullman streets NEVER to drive on when it's icy in winter.

It means that whenever you meet another Cougar, you feel a little bit of a special bond, even if you're very different people.

You remember and miss Shakers, the wonderful bar where you could spend $5 at Power Hour and still be wasted the next morning. RIP Shakers :(

You realize that we now love the football team no matter what, but still make fun of all the players that we meet.

You remember that CCN used to be THE place to be on Opening Weekend.

Your dad never missed a chance to party and go to a game on Dad's weekend.

You know the Mom's weekend "statistics".
You've eaten lunch at the Coug..in between classes and still drank beer.

You look at your schedule and consider dropping classes because you don't want to walk from the CUE to Sloan.

The Blue Heart thing actually makes you hate Pullman (kinda), or just the heart.

You can't believe Pizza Pipeline isn't there anymore.
You know the nicknames of the Tri Delts, Pi Phis, and KATs...and still laugh thinking about them.

You lived on campus only to be closer to the bars, not school.

You waited in line at Valhalla OR Shakers...because you knew it would be worth it no matter how cold it was.

You waited a half hour in line at Pita Pit after Shakers closed to get a dang good pita.

Pete's wylie drinks, spinning the wheel, and one bad attempt at karaoke...

You have experienced senior golf, cruise, raft trip, formals.

You still like to cruise by the bears and go to Ferdinands.

You have been prescribed antibiotics by student "death".

Can anyone else think of any?

Here are my additions:
You can't believe how much Pullman has changed since we graduated.

Your children won't have a choice of where they'll go to college and they have no choice but to proudly wear crimson and grey on game day.

You met your best friend or spouse where between campus and the bar.

Your favorite words- "Cougar football Saturday".

You excell at flip cup (boat races).

You have a severe allergic reaction to purple.

***So when I say GO COUGS! I say it from my heart and I mean it-beat those dogs!!!
Happy Thanksgiving and Apple Cup!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for representing! How about adding: Your stomach is tied in knots every year thinking about Apple Cup. GO COUGS!!! ......


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