Ben finally learned how to swim! Yay!
Ben is working on learning sight words and reading to get ready for Kindergarten.
Abi finally learned how to tie her shoe. About time!
Abi is ready to go back to school. :) :)
Cate no longer has her suckie.
***And she is talking/screaming our ears off.
Cate pooped on the potty!
Next up, bum wiping class for the big ones and learning to shower on their own.
They are a lot of work, but at least they're cute.
Our garden is looking awesome-
We even have a watermelon-
Brad being a farmer-
The kids are enjoying the pool my Dad gave us, when we are not at the pool, lol. Fishes.
There are drying towels and suits everywhere, all the time -must be summer.
Loving the summer sunsets, sleeping in, and lazy days while we can.